
This issue called for an end to all military links with South Africa. It reported on a recent NUS-AAM student network conference and on action by students in Manchester, Bristol and Oxford. Labour MPs Jo Richardson, Ioan Evans and Robert Hughes argued the Labour Government must implement Labour Party policy on South Africa and Namibia. John Lawrence examined the activities of the pro-apartheid Club of Ten. A centrespread warned that South Africa was mobilising against newly independent Mozambique.

AA News announced a visit to London by Angela Davis to speak at a meeting calling for the release of Southern African political prisoners. A feature on the Zimbabwean economy showed how South Africa and Portugal had helped it circumvent international sanctions. A special correspondent argued Nationalist Party plans for a ‘settlement’ in Namibia were a device to perpetuate South African control. Abdul Minty exposed Labour Government plans to continue military co-operation with South Africa after the ending of the Simonstown Agreement. 

The February issue reported on the Black Renaissance Convention organised by black consciousness groups in Natal, inspired by the victory of the liberation movements in Portugal’s African colonies. It exposed the sham elections held in northern Namibia. It printed extracts from Angela Davis’s speech calling for the release of Southern African political prisoners. A round-up of AAM-NUS network student news included reports from Durham, Salford, Glasgow and Nottingham. A special feature set out the case for an academic boycott of South Africa.

This issue led on the AAM’s demonstration against British military collaboration with South Africa called for 23 March. It asked for solidarity action with the black consciousness activists detained for organising pro-FRELIMO rallies. It revealed new death sentences on Zimbabwe guerrilla fighters and reported on the parliamentary debate on Rhodesian sanctions. An interview with SWAPO leader John Otto told of brutal repression in Namibia. A special correspondent warned of the threat of famine in Mozambique and Cape Verde.

A photo spread of the AAM’s 23 March demonstration showed banners declaring ‘End Labour Government’s Military Collaboration with Apartheid’. The issue reported on the latest developments in Zimbabwe and Namibia. It carried an account from a special correspondent in Mozambique of FRELIMO’s first steps in government. AAM President Bishop Ambrose Reeves examined Prime Minister Vorster’s attempts to win friends in independent Africa.

The May issue led on a report of an OAU summit which asked member states to step up support for the Southern African liberation movements. It carried extracts from ANC President Oliver Tambo’s speech to the meeting. It featured the trial in Pretoria of 13 black consciousness activists under the Terrorism Act. David Davis reported on the doubling of South Africa’s defence budget and Paul Fauvet reviewed the latest developments in Angola. SWAPO women’s leader Magdalena Shamena told how SWAPO was working to change the lives of women in Namibia. 

The June issue mourned Bram Fischer, imprisoned for life for opposing apartheid. It advertised the NUS-AAM student network annual conference and published a round-up of local student action. It reported on the trial of 13 black consciousness movement activists under the Terrorism Act and on the police shooting of Namibian workers in Windhoek. A feature on sport in South Africa highlighted the role of non-racial sports associations within the country. Abdul Minty reported back from the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting held in Jamaica.

This issue led on the death sentences passed on Zimbabwean freedom fighters by the Smith regime. It exposed NATO support for the South African military. Brian Bunting reported on the continued detention of 11 of the defendants in the black consciousness Terrorism Act after their acquittal. AA News celebrated Mozambique’s declaration of independence on 25 June 1975. In an article on atrocities by white Rhodesian forces, it asked ‘Who are the Terrorists in Zimbabwe’? A special correspondent reported on the veto by Britain, France and the USA of a UN Security Council resolution imposing a mandatory arms ban on South Africa.