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In the mid-1980s there was a big increase in the number of political prisoners sentenced to hang in South Africa. At least 36 people were condemned to death in 1985–87 and five of them were executed. SATIS co-ordinated a ‘No Apartheid Executions’ campaign, drawing in thousands of people who had never been involved in anti-apartheid activity. As a result of international action and campaigns inside South Africa, many survived on death row until they were reprieved as part of the negotiating process in the early 1990s.

The End Conscription Campaign was launched in South Africa in 1984 to defend young South Africans who refused compulsory service in the South African Defence Force. South African war resisters forced into exile in Britain set up their own organisation, the Committee on South African War Resistance (COSAWR), which worked closely with the AAM. This meeting, held on 3 February 1987, was organised by the Catholic Institute for International Relations (CIIR), War Resisters International (WRI) and the AAM.

AAM supporters marked the centenary of mining company Consolidated Gold Fields on 9 February 1987 by demonstrating outside its headquarters with this birthday cake. The slices show that the company paid 34% of its turnover in taxes to the South African government and only 13% in wages to its black workers.

From its formation in 1978 the Anti-Apartheid Health Committee exposed the impact of apartheid on the health and well-being of black South Africans. This leaflet was widely distributed among health professionals and National Health Service workers in Britain.

Leaflet publicising a fundraising concert organised by Tower Hamlets AA Group at the Half Moon Theatre in east London in 1987. The event was sponsored by the local council’s arts committee.

Mug marking the 75th anniversary of the founding of the African National Congress in 1987.

Brent AA Group supporters with their local MP Ken Livingstone asked shoppers to boycott South African goods sold by Tesco in February 1987 on the eve of the AAM’s March Month of People’s Sanctions.

Nottingham AA Group converted a local bus to publicise the campaign for a boycott of South African goods and of Shell.